Software description: functions and features

Our customer is a Russian division of an international company that specializes in printing large batches of packaging for various products. Among the main problems of the client are increased consumption of polymer material, failures in the continuity of the technological cycle, a lack of reliable analytical reporting and, as a result, financial losses. The increased polymer consumption particularly noticed at large production volumes was especially emphasized.


Based on a thorough and deep analysis of information and business processes, the following list of tasks was set:

  • to develop an effective business process scheme and a scheme of information system individual elements interaction;
  • to fully automate preprint preparation processes, including the development of a printing cliché accounting system, automation of procedures for collecting tasks for printing equipment, control of cliché resource development and a timely order to release new cliché copies;
  • to plan algorithmically the processes of making printed cliché with the aim to minimize polymer consumption and optimize inventory stock;
  • to provide analytical units and management with current and reliable reports.

The designed information system has allowed to fully solve the problems. In addition, during the work on the project, as a result of a joint analysis of the entire production cycle, our client's production and business processes were optimized.

The developed information system took into account all technological and production subtleties, that is why the pre-printing procedures allowed to bring the effective loading of printing equipment to the maximum.

Technological procedures automation minimized the risk of human error while preparing cliches and printing equipment. Equipment outages were reduced by 4%.

Optimization of cliché making process and inventory control allowed to minimize the polymer consumption. Savings exceeded 20,000 euros a year.

The analytical units and management of the company received reliable and transparent reports in real time.

Staff training was conducted.



  • ОС - CentOS 7
  • MariaDB 10.3 as database
  • Nginx
  • Python 3.6+
  • Django 2.1
  • Django REST Framework 3.9
  • Openpyxl 2.5.12


  • element-ui 2.4.6
  • vue 2.51
  • vue-router 3.0.1
  • vuex 3.0.1
  • axios 0.18.0
  • lodash
  • momentjs
  • webpack 4.16.5
  • sass
  • postcss
  • CP application
  • angularJs


  • ansible 2.7
Project benchmarks
  • Project team: 8 developers
  • Hours spent by developers: 2.3K+
  • Number of users: 30
  • Complexity: 9 out of 10