Software description: functions and features

Our customer is a company that provides car leasing services and fleet management services to its customers. Fleet management means that our customer takes care of all the maintenance of client's cars. Thousands of cars are in service at the same time. The system keeps a track of events related to each car. Customers (fleet administrators and ordinary drivers) in their personal areas create request forms for repair and maintenance of the cars as needed. Our customer accepts request forms and does all the necessary work to meet these requests. Customers monitor the execution of requests.

In addition, the fleet administrators manage drivers, fuel cards, insurance policies, driver's licenses, medical certificates and other documents.


The private area of the fleet administrator should allow to perform the following tasks:

  • Keeping a list of customer cars;
  • Creating and tracking car repair applications;
  • Automatic informing the administrator about unsatisfied repair requests;
  • Management of drivers;
  • Maintaining a list of fuel cards;
  • Assigning cars and fuel cards to drivers;
  • Accounting for the wheel park;
  • Keeping registries of various documents (insurance policies, driver's licenses, medical certificates, powers of attorney, acts, etc.);
  • Automatic informing the administrator about documents soon to be expired;
  • Keeping a register of car inspections.

The driver's personal area should allow to perform the following tasks:

  • Displaying cars assigned to the driver;
  • Creating and tracking car repair requests;
  • Displaying documents (insurance policies, driver's licenses, medical certificates, powers of attorney, acts, etc.) related to the driver or his/her car;
  • Automatic informing the driver about the expiration dates of the documents.

The developed system of personal areas allowed our customer to provide a desirable level of quality service to their customers, to preserve the existing customers and attract new ones.

The ease of use and reliability of the system made repair request filing simple and visual.

Automatic control over the document expiration term allowed to avoid forced downtime of cars or drivers.

Wide opportunities increased the loyalty of fleet administrators towards our customer.


Python, JavaScript, Webpack, MySQL.

Project benchmarks
  • Number of car in maintenance: 5K+
  • Average number of entering new data per day: 2K+
  • Project team: 5 developers
  • Hours spent by developers: 300
  • Number of maintenance requests: 100K+
  • Complexity: 8 out of 10