Our customer, a large financial company, has decided to enter the insurance market of individuals. Due to the fact that the company was a major federal retailer of financial services and was represented in 50 regions stretching from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, it needed a powerful tool to automate the provision of insurance services.
It was assumed that system users will be employees of different levels, ranging from ordinary specialists with only basic knowledge about the insurance process, to highly specialized professionals of the market.
Due to the large number of roles involved at various stages of the system, the main requirement was maximum automation of all processes and accounting of all cases that could occur at any stage of the system, which was to minimize the number of errors made by employees.
The main principles of the system being developed were to be:
Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Rabbit, JavaScript, Apache Fop, Nginx, Linux, Big Data, Rest, XML.