Our customer is a company specializing in the selection of highly qualified personnel in various industries.
As a result of the high demand for recruitment services, our customer faced the problem of efficient time distribution: employees had to spend a lot of time on routine and similar questions from applicants, which reduced the time for individual selection of candidates.
At the same time, the existing customer's website carried out only the exploratory function and had a one-page structure. As a result of our company's analysis, we proposed to create a corporate site with extended functions to offload the human resource staff from answering typical candidates’ questions.
It was decided to add sections for two areas:
It was necessary to develop a simple and easy to understand interface, which would correspond to the previously adopted corporate style.
To administer the system as a whole, it was agreed to use the classic Django tools.
Python, Django, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Bootstrap, django-compressor, django-constance, django-rq, django-ckeditor, djangorestframework, Fabric3, Redis, nginx.